If you’re like us, you’re probably good at pushing yourself, going the extra mile. 

And, just how athletes can train too hard and end up injuring themselves, sometimes our drive to get things done can catch up with us...and suddenly we realize we’re exhausted and we’ve done more harm than good!


So many women we talk to feel overwhelmed, exhausted and burned out.

The good news is there are ways to identify the early warning signs of burnout. 


And, there are many simple practices to prevent it.

Ok, so what are these early warning signs? How can you prevent burnout before you’ve hit your own wall?

Vanessa wrote an article on this very topic for Forbes and Arianna Huffington tweeted it out to all of her followers!  Over 114,000 people have read it...so we figured you all would benefit from learning these preventative tips too.

We both struggled with burnout ourselves, so we know what it’s like to be in a constant state of exhaustion, feeling like you’re always a step behind and can barely get through the day.


Never fear, there are simple solutions. 

Research shows the anticipation of a vacation creates MORE happiness than actually going on a vacation! REALLY! More on that in the video.


So there’s hard scientific evidence to encourage you to book your next vacation!

(we recommend that you also actually go on the vacation...although it would be an interesting experiment to book a trip to Paris and then go away to Sacramento instead. haha.)

To learn more, watch our video below!


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AuthorLisa Abramson